Take An Art Break

Go to the Movies

The summertime is one of the best times to catch a new movie in the theater. I remember filling my hot Arizona summers as a kid with movies and ice cream. I’d enter another world for a few hours and then dissect the entire film for the next 3 or so days trying to figure out if I liked it or not. Some of my favorite movies were seen during my summer break from school.  And, some of them still inspire me today.

So, pick a movie, any movie.  But, make sure you see it in a theater.  There’s just something about getting out of the house and making a night of it. Let the movie inspire your next work of art.

Have fun!

We’d love to see your art break! Share it with us at takeanartbreak[at]artismoving[dot]org


You’ll find more ways to Take an Art Break HERE.

Feel free to read more about the benefits of art on our resource page here.

Art is Moving creates, initiates, and shares community art projects that encourage and empower people to make art part of their daily life. We do this because we know that art makes people better. And, better people make a better world.