Envision an ideal and balanced life
Imagine your upcoming year and what you consider an ideal and balanced life. Sink into the desirable details of your job, your relationships, your health, your emotional well being, and the hobbies you want to pursue. Next, ask yourself what you need to do to create this ideal and balanced life. Is there anything you need to start saying “No” to? Is there anything you need to say “Yes” to?
Let’s dive deep into a VISIONING exercise.
Close your eyes, open your imagination and paint a picture of all that you notice in your ideal and balanced life. What colors, smells, music, people, actions, places, feelings, live there?
With all the juicy stuff in your mind you can now create your VISION DRAWING. Let’s use the number 8 as the base for our drawing. The number 8 is amazing! It represents harmony, peace, and balance and is used as a symbol of infinity and constant flow of energy and power. It’s related to material wealth, money, and success in business. What a beautiful foundation to ground in for this year! Read more about the number 8 archetype HERE.
Now, let’s create a VISION DRAWING!
Art Break Supplies:

Art Break Directions:
- Use your pencil to draw an open number 8 on a piece of paper.

2. Feel the flow. Outline the 8 with your markers. Feel the year flowing in balance and harmony.

3. Write 2022 (or whatever year it is now) at the beginning point of the number 8 and write 2023 (or the next year after this current one) at the end point. Start at 2022 (the current year) and write down your goals, visions, and dreams around and within the 8 until you get to 2023 (the next year).

4. Think of an affirmation or theme for this year. Write it somewhere on your paper.

Place your new vision drawing in a place you will see it everyday!