California,  I am an Artist

Our Conversation with Gail Weissman

Art is Moving had a conversation with recent JFK Master of Fine Arts Graduate Gail Weissman. Her work combines landscape, abstract expressionism and the psychology of the earth and our own minds.

Part Two


  • Lisa Rasmussen

    After the installation of my MFA show I literally sat on the ground in a corner and absorbed it all. i did this daily until the show opened. I am not kidding. It was an amazing moment in my life. To breath into a space that I created an environment of aesthetics, mystery, and knowing.

    For me the space that I created was no longer about me.

    At my opening I was a total observer as folks dwelled into my work. At times they would ask me my vision….but mostly I was a witness to their experience. I guess that is what I love about my gallery space is it activates others response in my work. I am just conduit…

  • Lisa Rasmussen

    Thank you for the whale sound comment..
    I am so intrigued by Whales communication process.

    is the sound quality or metaphor?
    You have made me very curious…
    Tell us more