Art Activations

Art Assignment: In Seed Time Learn

In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy.

William Blake 

Planting Seeds
I think as we lead our day to day lives, sometimes we forget to do the things we love to do. I feel that this depletion of delight leads to an imbalance within oneself and can lead to creative droughts. For this Art Assignment, I want you to nourish the creative things you love to do in your life. This experiment is experienced based and should embody the notion that Art is Life and Life is Art. Enjoy the creative self care.

Create a list of 20 things you love to do in the creative realm. Remember this can be anything creative, like the visual arts, cooking, writing, dancing, laying in the grass etc…
Do at least three of these experiences off your list.

Share the three things you did during the month. Create art around one of your favorite experiences.

Reveal or reflect
Did this plant any seeds for creative projects?
How did you feel? Did you learn anything in the process?

Looking forward to seeing your delight.

~ Lisa