Dream Big and Catch it
How is your Dream World?
Take an Art Break Inspiration from Co-founding Director, Lisa Rasmussen.
Has anyone else been having intense dreams lately? I have been having crazy night visions. My dreams have been filled with anxiety and stress. When my dreams feel exhausting, I know it’s time to take a specific kind of art break. Rather than keep that art break idea to myself, I’m sharing it here.
The dream catcher legend is full of rich symbolism. Native Americans believe that the night air is filled with dreams, both good and bad.
Dale Kiser

History of Dream Catchers
There is a rich and powerful history and practice behind dream catchers. Some are used for protection from bad dreams while others are used to bring in good dreams. You can read about the interesting history of dream catchers HERE.
Are Dreams Bad or Good?
When I was learning dreamwork as a TA from Jeremy Taylor in Berkeley, CA he said, “all dreams come in service of health and wholeness.” There are no bad dreams, they are just asking us to look inward and transform our perspective. They are trying to point us in the direction of self care and wellness. If interested, feel free to read more about the late Jeremy Taylor’s dream work teachings HERE.
Let’s make a Dream Catcher
My hope is that this art break will be super fun and will bring a breath of fresh air into your life and your dreams.
Art Break Supplies:
Thick wire or an embroidery hoop
Wire or bolt cutters
Strong tape, such as duct tape
Yarn, leather or hemp cord
Feathers (if more kid orientated get some fun rainbows, unicorns, and other dangling things)
Glue gun
Art Break Directions:
This art break can be simple or complex, it’s entirely up to you. When you gather all of the supplies you could be finished within 15 minutes. Or, slow the process down and let yourself work on it for several days.
Lisa Rasmussen, Co-founding Director of Art is Moving
- What’s the intention behind your dream catcher? Think about it or write about it.
- If using thick wire, create a circle with the wire.
- Tie or glue the yarn or cord to the circle.
- Wrap the yarn or cord tightly around your circle. Glue the end and cut any extra.
- Tie the string around the corded circle.
- Turn the circle 3 inches and wrap the string around the corded circle again.
- Turn the circle 3 inches and wrap the string again.
- Repeat until you are back at the beginning. You should have a hexagon or octagon or similar shape.
- Take the string and wrap it around the center of the first line of sting you created.
- Then, move to the next line of string and wrap around the center.
- Keep going until you meet the first line again.
- Continue until you get to the center of the circle and tie the string in a knot.
- Wrap string around the tip of the feathers and attach them to the bottom of the circle.
- Decorate with as many feathers as you’d like.
- Hang the Dream Catcher in a place that feels good!
I would hang it above or near your bed and see what transpires. Pay attention, enjoy the process and see if your dreams shift and your perspective behind them shifts. This is an amazing activity to do in a group. Make a point to check in with one another a week after you all hang up your Dream Catchers to share your experiences.
Here’s an easy to follow video on How to Make a Dream Catcher
Find more inspiration HERE for kid-centered Dream Catchers you can make with some awesome kids you know.
Art opens the closets, airs out the cellars and attics. It brings healing.
Julia Cameron
We’d love to hear how this art break went for you. Share your images, process, and thoughts here.
Contribute to Art is Moving and help us create more art breaks like this in the future!