Chalk to the World
Chalk to the World
If you could say anything to the world right now, what would you say? What does the world need to hear from you? Do you feel like yelling, telling it a joke, saying thank you or just talking? Whatever it is, it matters. So, go out and tell the world what you think. Just don’t forget the chalk.
Chalk to the World
The Recipe
Materials Needed:
- Chalk
- A sidewalk that you are allowed to write on
- Think about what you would like to say to the world.
- Write your words to the world on the sidewalk.
- Step back and absorb it.
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Reflection Questions:
- How does it feel to the tell the world what you think?
- If you were to write a second sentence to the world, what would it be?
The idea of and value placed on self expression varies between cultures. In my personal experience, if I don’t say it, write it, draw it, sing it, photograph about it, make it, or do something that takes my thoughts and puts them outside my body, I become a not-so-nice person.
Self Expression is like taking 10 deep breaths all at once.
It lifts my worries and pain and everything off of my body for a few minutes. It helps me get to the gratefulness within me that gets bogged down by lots of other stuff. So, every once in awhile I do this exercise. I “chalk to the world.” I say what I need to say and I let it go.
-Lauren Odell Usher Sharpton
Co-Founding Director of Art is Moving
For more information on the benefits of this type of art break, check out the links below:
Writing helps you process emotions. Ok, so it’s not quite a journal entry, but it’s a start. And, keeping a journal helps you work through your emotions. Check it an article here about the research paper here.
Writing keeps your body healthy too. “In recent years, research has found that it improves symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome or IBS, asthma and rheumatoid arthritis; helps with recovery from childhood sexual abuse and postpartum depression; and improves the state of mind in those with Parkinson’s, cancer and many other health conditions.”
Expressing your fears can help you get over them. Did you write a fear to the world today? Well, then, you’re one step closer to saying bye-bye to that fear forever. Good for you. Here’s an article about this research.
Feel free to read more about the
benefits of art on our resource page here.
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