Is there good art and bad art?
To answer Lisa’s question about good vs. bad art, I have to go to the paraphrasing of Plato and answer “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”
This may sound like a cop-out, but read on. In order to know what bad art is we must first decide and define what good art is. I define good art as: that which causes you to take something into consideration. So, then, bad art is that which does not cause any consideration. A gray, broad definition that cannot be formulated or calculated in anyway.
Most days, when I am asked this question by either myself or someone else, I tend to answer “who cares?” I honestly don’t. I love art. I even love art that I hate. It all makes me feel something in a way that nothing else does. It causes me to have conversations that otherwise wouldn’t occur. It brings out a passion from inside me that makes me want to be a better everything.
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