Take an Art Break Symposium

Take an Art Break Symposium: Art is a Lifeline

How can we use art as a lifeline to communicate, connect, and heal the world around us? 

Our 2022 Symposium was held live on April 16, 2022. Feel free to visit the archive page here and participate in your own time. Use our sign up page here to stay informed about future symposiums and other Art is Moving projects!

Consider making a donation to Art is Moving HERE so we can continue creating events like this one in the future!


headshot of sharon burton and artis moon amarche


with Sharon Burton and

Artis Moon Amarché

A workshop presentation focused on how art can be used as a self-care practice to help decrease anxiety and contribute to a healthy well-being.

headshot of LJ Boswell


with LJ Boswell

In a nurturing and supportive environment, explore the wisdom of your own inner landscape and the power of art journaling to help you process life. 

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with Jesse Hunt

Jesse Hunt will introduce you to the “Therapeutic Artifact,” how you make one and use it to connect and heal yourself and your clients, patients, and more.


with Lisa Rasmussen and Lauren Sharpton

Art is Moving Co-founding Directors discuss the ins and outs of creating and implementing a local and global event centered around connecting communities with art and each other.


Denise Wolf Headshot

Credentialed art therapist Denise Wolf discusses the how and why of cathartic experiences in response to viewing art, informed by foundational theories of psychoanalytic sublimation and a contemporary approach to neuroscience.

Headshot of Daryne Rockett

Daryne Rockett, LCSW at the Vet Center in Bangor, Maine discusses how art can be a source of camaraderie and renewed sense of mission for Veterans.

Headshot of Mary Rockwood Lane

Mary Rockwood Lane, R.N., PhD., FAAN imagines what might happen if nurses saw themselves and embodied themselves as artists. 


Alison Clancy promotional photo by Esteban Haga

Mutant Gifts

An incatory offering in St. John’s Church by Alison Clancy with cellist Brent Arnold.

up close image of leaf with water droplet

Yoga Nidra Practice for Calm and Creativity

Guided by Sharon J. Burton

This guided yoga nidra meditation session is a  mindful practice which will help you to calm the mind and open to creative inspiration. 

Art is a Lifeline is a virtual one day symposium featuring artists and art advocates currently creating artworks, projects, and programs that empower individuals and communities to thread art into their lives in order to rise above difficult situations and challenges. Embracing the healing process of art making is key to our well being.  This symposium will create an environment for connection, inspiration, education, and provide ideas and recommendations to aid artists and other organizations working to create their own art and wellness centered practice, project, or artwork.  

More about your hosts, Art is Moving:

Art is Moving creates, initiates, and shares community art projects that educate, encourage, and empower people to “take an art break” and make art part of their daily life. We do this because we know that art makes people better. And, better people make a better world.

Contribute to Art is Moving and help us create more events like this in the future!

click here to donate to art is moving