Here's a sample of postcards sent out for Give an Art Break.

Art Breaks in the Mail

We’re mailing art breaks. Give one. Get one.

Here's a sample of postcards sent out for Give an Art Break.

Art is Moving has collected loads of amazing artworks at various art making events throughout the years. We turn those artworks into art postcards so you can GIVE an art break to anyone you think needs it (even yourself!), deserves it, would love it, or wants it.

Three Benefits of Viewing Artwork:

  1. Viewing art decreases stress levels. Article. Research.
  2. Viewing art increases critical thinking skills. Article. Research.
  3. Viewing art can help you “see” more. Article. Research.

For several years, Art is Moving hand cut and glued individual artworks onto postcards and mailed them to our list. Now, we create printed postcards using digital images shared with us from folks across the globe that have joined the Take an Art Break Movement (feel free to show us your art break here.).

If you believe art is moving, support Art is Moving.

Suggested donation: $5.00